Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tattooes of the Man of Ginger

One of the personages who is gaining more popularity so much in men as women, is the man of ginger that usually appears principally in the December holidays and represents one of the showier and comical tattooes of Christmas simultaneously.

tattooes - del-hombre-de-jengibre2

This personage has been always met thanks to the fairy tales, but it is in the movie Shrek where his popularity career has begun between the young people and not so young.

It is a question of a small cookie that is one of the friends of the green ogre of DreamWorks, which takes part in three movies like a personage full of humor and of astuteness, therefore it has not been late in leaving of the screen and the fairy tales to appear in the world of the tattooes.

A very singular motive and that can be accompanied by an infinity of other tattooes. Since it would belong to the concept of small tattooes, it is possible to see it in areas like the hands, the arms and the calves.

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